- Beloved Pets
02/18/1997 - 05/29/2013
In loving memory of my beloved cat Nehkoh. You passed away just yesterday, in my mind I know you are no longer sick or in pain and in a much better place, but my heart misses you tremendously. You were my faithful and loyal companion for 15 years, I always said you were my "road dog", where ever I went, so would you. Our home is not going to be the same without you. I am going to miss seeing you on the bench looking out the window at the birds or you coming to lay next to me when I would work on my laptop. You always knew when I was sad and would come nudge my hand with your nose. You were my best friend and protector. It was just you and I when you came into my life and ironically just you and I when you left it. I wrapped you in your favorite red blanket and the soft brown one with the paws you also really liked so you wouldn't be cold where you went on your journey. You are with mi abuelito now and he is taking good care of you, giving you chicken and tuna, until we are able to be reunited again. Te quiero mucho mi animalito, I love you so much and always will.

Susy and Mom xoxoxo